• How I discovered them ? 
    S/mileage was my favorite group before I get addicted on Dream5. I love all the members , all their voices , all their songs and all their perf'. There is no song that I don't like ! I don't really remember how I exactly discovered them.. I think it was on my friend's blog , it was a fansite on them and I first listened at Ama no Jaku and totally fall in love with the sweetness of the song , the cuteness of their faces and the awesomness of all these thing together ♥  My favorite is and has always been Sakitty ♥


    Favorite member ?

    Saki Ogawa. She is and will always be my favorite even if she's graduate now. I just can't stop loving her. She's the first I noticed in Ama no Jaku , I immediately wanted to know more about this girl with this amazing voice and this so beautiful face. So I made some research and.. I found my idol , my first Idol and my #1 , Ogawa Saki , called Sakitty. And this little ball of talent became my angel ~ ♥


    Favorite song ? 

    I can't choose omg. I'll say.. Shortcut ? Or  Koi wo Shichaimashita! I really love them all.. Shortcut because the "tabishitai" of Saki is so amazing , even in live. And Koi wo Shichaimashita because there is so much feelings in this song , cute.... But there is Crème Brulée no Yuujou that I love so much.. Omg I can't choose really. ♥ 


    Favorite live perf ? 

    I choose BE HAPPY Koi no Yajirobee! Not because Saki is so perfect in it (because she's perfect everywhere) but just because this song is so genki and cute , I don't know , I feel like some happy feelings like they want to bring us smile and happiness , like they ask us to smile everytime ! I love that kind of genki song , and we'll not lie all the Saki's notes are perfectly controled and the outfits are so beautiful !

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    How I discovered them ?
    Tokyo Girls Style
    became my 2nd favorite group some months ago. Their talent , their dancing and singing's skills totally make me fall in love with them. Ayano is my favorite over all♥ 
    I discovered them with their song Kirari a little less than 2 years ago. I listen to it because one of my friends request me to do a graph for her on Mei. Then I forgot about them. And something like more than 6 months ago I re-discover them with Limited Addiction ! Wow , this song totally take my breath out. Their voices , the high notes , the dance , the amazing music video.. At this moment I immediately did some research to learn about them.. And little by little they became one of my fav groups. 



    Favorite member?  

     I love them all , but .. Ayano Konishi. This cute angel is awesome and so talented.. so .. so flawless. And her voice is amazing , I love her deep voice ♥ Look at this cutie face. How can't I fall for her ? She's my favorite , no doubt.



    Favorite song ?

    I know all their songs and they are all amazing , really. I can't dislike one. It's so hard to choose my favorite... I think I can't XD But..I'll say Liar or W.M.A.D -who are 2 songs of a same single- because when I listen to them I can't control myself and I inevitably dance.. like my body is possessed haha XD


    Favorite live perf ? 

    Lolita , Strawberry in Summer. Omg , so much amazing things in one live. I can't even handle.. Best performance in live , eveeeer. Awesome outfits , awesome repartitions , awesome dance , awesome singing. One word ? A W E S O M E. 





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